OK, so I admit it, I hadn't heard of Pierre Hachach yet... I had heard one of his songs (He is a rap artist) but did not know it was his. From what I understood, and I stand to be corrected, Hachach keeps running for elections knowing that he is going to lose - but still keeps doing it to prove a point. Currently, he is running for the Maronite seat in Tripoli. His advertising line is truly humourous "He who resembles us, let him come visit us" - and the campaign shows Hachach in many situations that the everyday Lebanese does - from eating a sandwich in a streetside koint to taking a bus, or getting a cup of coffee or using the pay phone. Acts that no politician would be caught dead doing.
hahaha... I met Pierre Heshesh from the last elections. He had a billboard with the sign:"Pierre Heshesh, Neyib el Akhdar wil Yebiss". These are great work for these Elections.
Is this the same Pierre Hachach who had the single best billboard in the history of billboards [last election]?
[quick google images search brought this hit... not sure if theres a clearer pic out there]
hahaha... I met Pierre Heshesh from the last elections. He had a billboard with the sign:"Pierre Heshesh, Neyib el Akhdar wil Yebiss". These are great work for these Elections.
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