Saturday, March 8, 2014

Aishti: In one word or less....

Stefan Sagmeister is one more at the helm of an incomprehensible Aishti campaign. The Aishti outings have been borderline surreal ever since his stdio took over their ads. However, to give credit where credit is due, the images of Henry Hargreaves are truly captivating (unless it is the art director Jessica Walsh or retoucher Wade Jeffree who are responsible for the sleek very overexposed final image). The campaign is supposed to be "striking a harmonious balance between strong, evocative language and imagery. Our concept was to represent something extremely delicate and gorgeous, yet powerful in its presence — ethereal in nature." Good, now ditch that silly copywriting which is ruining the whole effect.
Still, , maybe it does make sense, unless "well" I am unable to be "pretty" "rich" like the Aishti shoppers and therefore the meaning eludes me.

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