Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nour Flayhan - talent on the rise.

All images copyrighted to Nour I. Flayhan.
It is always fascinating for me when I spot a talent on the rise, so it is with great enthusiasm that I had Nour Flayhan on my radar. Her website is full of moving imagery, and delving into each section is a delight in itself. Nour tries to process the Arabo-western sights around her (look into Memories Down Edgware Road as a prime example) in several of her projects, but it is her pop analysis of day-to-day items that steal the show in "His Memories" - a beautiful study of relics of a life based on traces left behind. A CSI of a hit and run caused by fate. All of this makes it a delight for me to share her work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love her style in illustration. Thank you for sharing