Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ma yatloubouhou al moustami3oun ما يطلبه المستمعون

What happened to them? Some still here, some dead, some retired, some never to be heard of again… But they entertained us, and brought smiles to us, and laughs, and longings, and soundtracked our lives. Who are they? Here's a sample: Aida Abou Jaoude, Al Amir Al Saghir, Amal Sfeir, Daliah, Dalida Rahme, Dora Bandali, Fariq el lika2, Hekmat Wehbe, Houwayda, Jacqueline, Joseph Nemnon, Laura Hatem, Merdad, Micheline Bandali, Mohammad Iskandar, Mona Merachli, Paulina, Rana, Selena, Semaan Bou Samra, Wadad Chiha, Yehya Bou Saada.

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