Thursday, July 4, 2013

ImpactBBDO steals from ImpactBBDO - don't come to Lebanon, don't vote for Jeita?

When ImpactBBDO steals from ImpactBBDO who stole from Speilberg.
Don't come to Lebanon!
And before that there was the infamous:
Don't vote for Jeita
Which was "inspired" from the Spielberg thing "don't vote":
Yes, I know that the "Don't Come to Lebanon" includes cliche and silly promotional stuff, but I have a very nagging feeling that Impact BBDO went along with the same reverse psychology scenario they picked up from their first theft. Yes, ever since I saw the campaign I had a mental suspicion something was off. I really do think that ImpactBBDO tried to duplicate their Speilberg reverse-psychology theft and apply it once more... Tell someone not to do something and off they go doing it - not that I expect tourists to be flocking to the airport anytime now though.
Don't go to Lebanon-Don't vote for Jeita, don't steal ads from yourself or other people.

PS: Do note that the original Beirut/NTSC post on the Jeita theft is here but BBDO took off their own video and replaced it with the above more diluted one which included some sort of across-the-board campaign because frankly the - what BBDO called - "inspiration" was perhaps too blatant as a stand alone.

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