Wednesday, June 19, 2013

50 shades of Johnny Farah (so what?)

Original photo here

Beirut/NTSC is seriously swimming against the current these last few days - not only did I not support Jean Assy blindly but it seems I am one of the few who have no been outraged/offended/bothered/sickened by the invite released from Johnny Farah for the launch of his collaboration with artist Joe Kesrouani. So the posture shows something very close to S&M - yawn. Yes, so? In an explanation of what happened Farah asserts that the photo in question is the result of the models themselves choosing their posture, and so these two people chose this. Newsflash - some people enjoy dominance and submission games, celebrated artist Robert Mapplethorpe built a whole career out of that. "50 shades of Grey" has made its author a millionaire, and if advertising or branding is supposed to come from the society it emanates from, I can tell you without hesitation that Lebanon is a violent country. In short - the image above does not bother me. My reproach for it is that it does not provoke me either. Do note that Beirut/NTSC has not been invited to the event, I guess I am not cool enough to join the crowds... :)

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