Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Oummat Mohannad" - POPi (I) on 7UPstairs by Tarek Chemaly

Arabs in general are called "Oummat Mohammad" (the nation of Mohammad) sure this does disregard the non-Moslem element there, but it is easier for stereotyping I guess. But enter Mohannad (Kivanc Tatlitug) - the dashing Turkish actor who will activate shuttle diplomacy to overcome all Palestinian problems (and therefore resolve the Middle East issue at large). After all, everyone seem to agree on him whilke disagreeing on all else, so why not pick him as an emblem for Arab unity. Maybe it will get us somewhere. By the way, in a rare act of narcissism I have included my own face in every back cover of the POPi (Pop Oriented Peace initiative book I have done).

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