Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some more of the out and about.

What interested me in the Fransabank ad was not the visual, not the concept, not the line ("it's your house and you are free to do whatever you want with it") but the idea that - someone this young can afford a penthouse with a panoramic view over the city. They must know something I don't financially!
The Kindhadi campaign featuring actress Carmen Lebbos goes "leave the sad end for the movies", another unipole from the same road-awareness campaign features comedian Georges Khabbaz who states "not just laughter can make you live longer, seatbelts too" (ironically, I distinctly remember him being interviewed in his car by LBC with him NOT wearing the safety belt!)...
As for stamped concrete company Top Crete, they use the Lebanese idiom "ballet el bahr" (which means "go put tiles on the sea" to dismiss someone with a task which is difficult)... Well, since we have already reclaimed the sea (you are driving on it, in case you are wondering!) and replaced it with "we stamped the sea" (instead of we put tiles on it)
And now here is a cutie from Volvo: The original ad was "there's more to life than a Volvo, that's why you but one" - so they adapted it for the leasing. I love it when a brand depreciates itself only to come out to top!...

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