Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are we getting too carried away?

Photo credit: Various internet sources - me.
Maybe it's me who is not paranoid... Or maybe they're really out to get everyone. But, whereas it is none of my business as I am not Muslim myself, I am starting to think that some reactions are getting a tad too far. This whole post started when I saw an ad for Haribo (those yummy gelly stuff) with "Halal" on it. Yes, I know that gelatin is an animal substance and all that, and I know that for many people it is important that slaughtered animal has to have been compatible with certain religious and ethical norms when the deed was done... But, darn me - when I should be watching my fake crowns (on my teeth not me head) one of which got pulled while eating Haribo and making sure I am not overdoing my sugar intake, I also now have to think about slaughtered animals as well!
Not only this, but last week Iran made news - I mean, they always make news, but even for their standards, that was a bit too much - by requesting a change in the 2012 Olympics logo... The reason? They read the word zion instead of 2012.
All of this reminds me of the saga of the Saudi airlines logo... When it was first revamped and unveiled, the first thing one of the princes saw on the runway was a cross (look closely between the letters S and A in the second picture from top) which is why, very, very quickly, it got turned into the second option you see right beneath it.
Once more, maybe because I am not the offended party, I fail to see things from this angle... But I still feel we are getting a bit too edgy over nothing!


Danielle said...

If anything it reads "zoin" not "zion!!!" IDIOTS.

Ali said...

I don't know what to make of the Saudi logo or the London one..

But in terms of the "halal" products, the problem with gelatin is that it could be derived from pork products. Given the sensitivity of the topic within the Muslim culture, it makes sense to advertise accordingly.

In the States, a similar campaign was launched by Skittles to advertise to its Jewish consumer base that their products are Kosher.

Personally, I think it is perfectly sensical to advertise controversial products with the appropriate labels