Thursday, February 4, 2010

A streetside cafe - the Beirut version

Hassan El Jouni, eat your heart out! :)


Soul of Sydney said...

nice, where is this? the front looks like the falamanki guy ? if that is how i spell it..

is it on display or private?

Tarek Chemaly said...

I found it parked on a street off from Hamra, but am not sure if this is its usual parking place. I know the drawings remind me of Hassan El Jouni and yes, Salamanki from Dunia heik (I guess this is what you are referring to).


Not sure who Hassan or Salamanki are to be honest, sounds i should check them out but is there anything in particular i can google. or can you point me in the right direction? (can you email me something if possible)

i reminded me of the restaurant with the Oud guitars on the wall, cant remember what it was called but. Falamanki maybe.

Tarek Chemaly said...

In this case am sorry, Hassan Jouni is a famous painter and Salamanki originally is a character from a famous sitcom back in the early 80s - there was a new restaurant named after him, but have never been there.


ah thanks for the tip.. actually the taboush remands me of someone I did see on TV back in the 80;s from videos my parents would get sent over from Lebanon.

and checking out Jouni;s work now.. Thanks for the heads up.

Peace from Sydney..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

that's what i call impressive :-)