Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sarah's bag x Pure Nostalgia launch event

And so here it is... In all its funkiness, colorfulness, eccentricity, and nostalgia-inducing factor to the nth power  - the Sarah's Bag x Pure Nostalgia collection launch event (not included in the photos is the 80s soundtrack playing, the ambulant merchants outside offering roasted chestnuts and cakes filled with cheese, or the overall cheerful ambiance). And when it comes to style, panache and gusto, little is anyone able to beat Sarah's Bag especially on the backdrop of Imad Kozem's precious archive.
Old postcards printed on bags with clasps made from welded die cast cars, retro images, Hind Abi Allamah, Carlton Hotel, Chams Building, anything and everything (and everyone) that will surely send any Beiruti down memory lane. Oh, and even men can get card holders with the photo of "Antonio Valverde" the heartthrob from "Anta Aw La A7ad" (tu o nadie) Mexican soap opera.
 And lest I forget, after bringing us the Bonjus pyramid pochette, the Manoushe and kaake bag, how about a dessert with the Gandour 555 cookie (filled with Loukoum for effect) as a new hit by Sarah's bag?
Also on display is their special Zaher (backgammon) inspired clutch and the Blat Chaya collaboration (whereby they repeated the classic tiles motif on cardigans and jackets). If Lebanese pop culture is of any interest of you, maybe you should drop by - and very soon!
I should here stress that, as a male (and apart from the card holders) I am not the target audience of this beautiful collection. However, even though I am not a potential customer, Sarah and the rest of the team found time, energy and patience to talk to me, giving me precious details and information. Is this is not the sign of a good host, then what is?
As if by sheer luck while leaving the event a vintage Buick Riviera in mint condition was parked nearby - plunging my more and more into the era's mood. Oh forget it, I am not going to wear bell bottoms or grow my sideburns. A mustache though, could be debatable.

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