Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tiger unit and Sarin attacks in Syria

Now how about this for a game? Tiger unit!
Here's the premise:
"As the last line of defense against terrorism and corruption, the Tiger Unit is an elite, independent force committed to securing the peace in the Middle East and North Africa. With team members from across the region, the Tiger Unit has built a reputation based on countless successful missions. But as the fate of the region hangs in the balance, it's up to you to join the Tiger Unit in a series of intense missions where failure is never an option."
Here's a sample of the episodes:
"Valuable intel has led The Tigers back to Damascus to investigate who was behind the assault on their beloved Tiger Island in Episode 10. With the threat of chemical weapons in the air, the Tigers must act quickly to prevent more deadly attacks. Be the hero and join forces with them in Episode 11, "After the Fire", in single player or cooperative mode today!" - the mission was released on 4.24.2013... Wait, putting the month before the day is a purely American thing.... 
A newer one reads:
"Join The Tiger Unit in a race against time as they climb aboard a speeding train to stop The Hidden Hand from acquiring deadly sarin gas. Play as The Tigers in Episode 14, "The Train of Destruction" in their deadly quest to halt The Hidden Hand's massive gas attack in the region." This one was released on 8.14.2013.
And then:
.... A sarin attack did happen in Syria on August 21st - just a week after the episode was released? Am I the only one who finds this coincidence very troubling?
Besides, why would Kuma Games (who owns the copyright of the game) include a Farsi version of the website?
From the wikipedia page dedicated to Kuma games, this line could give a clue: "In December 18, 2011, an alleged CIA agent being held in Tehran said in a report that he has worked for Kuma as a CIA operative.The report which was aired by Iranian state TV alleged that Kuma acts as a cover-up machine for CIA media war operations and has links with DARPA. (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency)."
And then the man detained Amir Mirza Hikmaki goes on to declare: "I was recruited by Kuma Games Company, a computer games company which received money from CIA to design and make special films and computer games to change the public opinion’s mindset in the Middle East and distribute them among Middle East residents free of charge. The goal of Kuma Games was to convince the people of the world and Iraq that what the US does in Iraq and other countries is good and acceptable."
Frankly, now it makes sense! So much for tigers....

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