Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beirut/NTSC and the social media awards

So Beirut/NTSC is up for the social media awards as a finalist in the business blogs category (hmmmm, OK, still trying to figure it out myself!), but I am in very good company! Check the full list here.... Of course it does worry me when four of the six people nominated for the best blog for the LEBANESE social media awards do not even live in Lebanon.... So maybe every immigrant "min asl Lebnane" (of Lebanese origin - hello Carlos Slim!) should be up for the award as well and damn those of us toiling on daily basis with internet connection fiascos!... Ah, the good thing that the finalists are invited for a round of drinks on Sat.... And this includes, in other catergories, Haifa, Elissa and Nancy... I don't think they'll show up though - even if the drinks are free...
And the above is an ad for my creative and strategic services which ran for two weeks in a Al Waseet free newspaper... So if I win, I am an a**hole, if I don't I already have my hemorrhoids (yeah, got it in 2006!).. 


The Social Media Awards said...

Hello there!

Thank you for posting about being a finalists for the SMAs. To clarify about the best business blog, this category encompasses different fields of business including marketing and advertising. As you can see from the list of finalists, most of them discuss marketing or advertising and are qualified for this category.

Best of luck!

Tarek Chemaly said...

By the way, I noticed an inconsistency, I am not but - I am too cheap to buy my own domain I guess. Would you be kind to rectify it on the listings?

The Social Media Awards said...

Yes, we have noticed that and the main listing ( has fixed it.

On our website for the voting, it will have your correct link. Don't worry!

Good luck :)

Rana.B* said...

Tarek, I voted for you! You might be the only person who deserve winning in every category ;) - and yeah letting "Lebanese Memes" be a finalist and not even mentioning Toom Extra, made me wanting to boycott voting, but when I saw Beirut NTSC I said I'll vote just for Tarek :) I hope you win.

Tarek Chemaly said...

Don't worry, if I win according to the "awards are like hemorrhoids, sooner or later every a**hole gets one" mantra, I shall be nothing more than a certified a**hole.... And by the way Toom Extra already won (hehehehe, vous etes hors competition!)

boudy said...

BUSINESS??!?! how fake how fake...but if you're there Tarek, we have to vote! chou baddna na3mil...

Tarek Chemaly said...

Or you can leave it alone so I don't have to attend the award ceremony since I know I did not win :)