Friday, February 15, 2013

Orientalism redefined: The turkish influences

It is a case of life imitating ads or ads imitating life, with the strong success of Turkish soap operas on television (I have heard some litterati criticizing them, but regardless of their plots, one cannot fault their incredibly well done art direction, coloring, overall coherence and aesthetic beauty), no wonder our advertisers have been getting inspired: Al Soultana al Oum in Almaza refers to the series "Harem el Sultan" and Castania's closed nut says specifically "Al Oushk al mamnou3" (or the fordbidden love, a popular Turkish soap).
It is to note that when Turkish stars are used in ads, they are not referred to by their real name when they sign the ad near the packshot, but rather by the character which brought them to fame (For women: Nour, Lamis, Fatma, and for men: Mohannad). 

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