Monday, November 12, 2012

What sort of a man reads Playboy?

Stereotyping is the easiest act in the world, it helps pigeon-hole, label and classify. But what if things are not as straightforward as they appear to be? What if there is more than meets the eye? What if certain facets do not immediately get revealed? Meet the man who reads Playboy.
A man who knows beauty when he sees it. And he sees it all around him. In interesting objets d’art. In the company of a lovely young lady. And monthly, in the pages of his favorite magazine. Fact: Men devote nearly two hours in reading each issue of PLAYBOY. By comparison, that’s triple the time men spend reading any newsweekly. To make your product a collector’s item with this involved, responsive audience, advertise in the pages of PLAYBOY. (Source: 1973 Simmons.)
A man who knows exactly what he’s after and where to find it. A free weekend is likely to find him on a fishing cruise with delightful companions. But whether he’s exploring waters or speculating in stocks, he relies on expertise, not luck. And for this direction he looks at PLAYBOY. Fact: Of all men 18-36 who visited the Caribbean, Bermuda or Bahamas last year, 55% read PLAYBOY. To land a bigger share of this market, bait your hook with PLAYBOY.  (Source: 1973 TGI.)
A man who frequently turns a long weekend into a swinging holiday in the sun. Always ready to savor new discoveries and share them with delightful friends, he’s young, mobile, affluent and venturesome: today’s most frequent traveler. Fact: PLAYBOY reaches more than half of all young men who took three or more personal air trips in the past year. That’s far more than any magazine reaches. Want to point this man in your direction? Do it with PLAYBOY. Source (1973 TGI.)

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