Wednesday, May 4, 2011

(Z)aatar w (Z)eit revealed

As a follow up to the brilliant social media teaser, here's the revealer (On Friday). Whereas to be honest there are only faint hopes of me attending, I still think this operation was well masterminded (no pun intended!).


Tk7 said...

really? brilliant? before you even see that is it exactly?

till now 'I feel' more lame than brilliant, and a quick ZnZ Facebook fan page check will tell you that most people don't find it anywhere near to brilliant! with most of the positive comments praising ZnZ for its food, atmosphere rather than the campaign itself (clearly -SO FAR- it doesn't relate to people)

so before "([the revelation])" is there, Brilliant is no where.

Darine said...

I actually disagree regarding the masterminding, the teasers were nice and got us really excited for some real engagement which never happened. The flow of content during the campaign on the social media channels was insufficient and not planned. Additionally, you'll notice that many fans on their facebook page are frustrated with the campaign and the page admins are not even addressing that.

Tarek Chemaly said...

Both of your comments are very valid I am sure!!!.... But, did you read the letter? They called me "influential social media person" - so I guess this must have flattered my ego and biased my judgement... But as Galileo said in his famous trial "... et pourtant elle tourne" (which means I haven't changed my mind! I am nowhere on facebook myself, so cannot judge the social mediatic aspect of it)...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen any campaigns like this before! It's just really unpredictable, leaves room for imagination and engages people in so many ways. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

FYI: Zaatar W Zeit Facebook page is on fire!

Thanks BeirutNTC

Joe said...

I think we should wait and see what the whole thing is all about. So far, they got me wondering and that's the key.

Liliane said...

I think we shouldn't be too hard on them since I think they're the first to take this approach, and knowing us bloggers we are very hard to please :P am sure we learned from them, and so did others, so perhaps the next campaign will be better.

Darine, I agree on the engagement part, I wait for followup, there was nothing.

Unknown said...

Honestly, the whole campaign has created very minimal buzz in comparison to what they could have made out of it. I'm going to link this to the recent Anti-fraud campaign that was done, and the huge impact that it had on social media users. This campaign did not amount to any reaction remote to the previous one.
My main issue here, and with this letter in specific, is the fact that whoever is behind this campaign, should really try and work on their grammar!Should I go through the errors one by one? They are 5 if you were wondering, and their combination, makes the letter incoherent, and actually very amateur.
The increase in manipulation of social media as a channel to reach out to a wider market is a good indicator. But my fear, is that emphasis on social media is not only leading to it's misuse, but also, it's taking precious effort away from what is offline.

Sexybabe2001 said...

ohhh...i think i've had enough of social media, facebook, twitter...please make it stop!!!

BeirutBlogger84 said...

I'll make it stop if u say pleeeeease ;-p

Sexybabe2001 said...

stop it! who said that?

Sexybabe2001 said...

who r u ??

BeirutBlogger84 said...

well i'm you, just using another fake ID?

Sexybabe2001 said...

oh right, I forgot! ...good night my other fake-self-digital-social-profile

BeirutBlogger84 said...

good night.

Sexybabe2001 said...

tweet me before u go to bed? ;-(

BeirutBlogger2001...oups said...

ok: good night @Sexybabe2001 #fake # self #digital #social #profile