It was supposed to be our local invention, our pride an joy, our own racist slur (come on, "rass el 3abed" anyone?), then it was renamed Tarboush and rebranded... Now look at the original!!! Please welcome Perrier Chocolat... So even this is stolen! The good news is that Clementine, for once, had nothing to do with it (they have a solid alibi for the time of the crime)!
Gandour is the definition of bad copy paste:
Safari is a cheap Lion Bar
Pik-One is a cheap KitKat
Ras el 3abed is a cheaper Perrier
Queen is a cheap Prince Lu
Hawaii is a cheap Bounty
Tofiluk is a cheap Twix
Here is a timeline from Villars
In 1969 they actually acquired this product from another company, it was called "Têtes de nègre" or "Negro heads". Yanni Gandour also stole the name.
In 1992 they rename "Têtes de nègre" or "Negro heads" to "Tête au Choco" or "Swiss Chocolate Whips.
This post is just like telling kids that Santa doesn't really exist! heheee unbelievable :)
Bodywotwat you're absolutely right!
You're something else Tarek! :D
I live in the town where villars produce les chocos, and i can guarantee you that if Rass el Abed is a copy of villars, it's a million times better !! i'll bring you some in two weeks :)
I am devastated. All these years I thought it was purely Lebanese. Oh well...
" with several countries claiming to have invented it or hailing it as their "national confection.""
Well, I think they changed 6 things in the ingredients of the white Cream ( you can't see it .. but they've change it so It's Copyrighted :P) haha - I love your Class man
very sad indeed...
I first discovered the Swiss mini-negros - if that makes it less racist ;-p - 3 years ago and since then I was trying to see who came first!
So does this cut it? I mean, who did come first? worldwide...The wiki article didn't help either...all I discovered was that even our Tarboush is not Lebanese!!! ;-(((((
And now it is not only stolen, it has a boring name, so what if we call it "ras el abed", "tetes d'indiens" is not much less racist :P
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