Monday, August 2, 2010

Portraits of people from Barbarian countries *

Wheelchair - Amsterdam definition

Car seat in the rear.... Only in Amsterdam!

When I went to Amsterdam in 2000 I wrote this article. Last week I was there, and found that not a lot has changed! Enjoy....
"A few years back, a friend of mine was taking up Spanish courses. At one point, I was skimming throughher illustrated beginners’ book and I fell upon how the word “skirt” - falda - translates differently into different Spanish speaking countries. After several enumerations, the last sentence read “In Argentina una falda e una falda”.
Few things in life are this obvious.
Some of the less obvious things can be found in Amsterdam and include:
Any two men walking together are labeled as gays, but it does not matter because almost all the rest are gays anyway.
Construction workers take thirty minutes breaks between two ten minutes working intervals.
A transvestite can be easily mistaken for a beautiful, rather tall, woman.
A girl with yellow hair, and a tattoo on the neck, with a beehive hairdo and sixties blue glassed eyeglasses, sporting a very short black dress and skyscraper high platform shoes can dine with a man wearing earrings, with a map on the forearm, dressed in his cleanest flannel sleeveless shirt, in a chic Chinese restaurant and decline to take the rest of the food as take away because it is vulgar to do it.
Two adjacent coffee shops can have two different terraces, one is for heterosexuals the other for gays. If you are not stoned you may notice this.
The trams are extremely expensive but boat rides are for free.
A whole family can fit into one bike.
Moving apartments is a national sport.
Most of the furniture in apartments actually comes from other people’s apartments who were practicing the national sport during the weekend.
It takes thirty minutes to dismantle an electrical stove and replace it with a gas one, and another twenty minutes to transport it to the nearest dump.
It takes three minutes for the same stove to be assembled in somebody else’s apartment.
The three minutes in question were the time that took the “dismantling” party to get back to the apartment and get rid of the barbecue set which of course went to another lucky winner.
A beautiful bird cage complete with an empty nest and watering plastic buckets was retrieved from trash, though not the same one where the stove was placed.
In the flea market, an empty metallic cigar box costs as much as brand new used couch. Metallic cigar boxes cannot be found in the trash, brand new second hand couches can.
If you help somebody move, you are most likely to receive brand new leftover items which cannot fit in the new apartment. An executive black leather case in my case.
On Monday, work starts at 1:00 P.M. because everyone deserves a rest from the weekend, where everybody was resting anyway.
Everyone loves the queen, or is too stoned to give a damn she exists.
You have more choice in hash than in carbonated orange juice.
And that’s just a representative sample of the less obvious things. If in Argentina una falda e una falda, in Amsterdam una falda is a convenient item to wear for the gay parade, daaaaaaaaaaaarlinnnnnnnnnnnnng."
* Name inspired from a series of paintings commissioned by a Dutch king sometime in the 17th or 18th century and which depicted daily lives in Dutch colonized countries.


nicolien said...

The only stereotype missing here are the clogs. Is this serious?!?

Danielle. said...

Nice photos..especially..well you know which one. I went to Amsterdam a few years ago..can't say I ever helped someone move..but it was a good time! I had Indonesian food there I think it called, Ristaffle or something? Did you get a chance to try it?

Diane said...

A friend living in Holland feels this is rather offensive and untrue--not like the NTSC I know--comments on the comment?

Diane said...

From my friend living in The Netherlands (in French):
Sinon pour reprendre le billet point par point :
• Ce n’est pas parce que les homos ont plus de droits ici qu’ailleurs dans le monde, qu’il y en a plus. Il y a le même pourcentage d’homos chez les Néerlandais que dans les autres populations.
• 1/3 de ce pays est sous le niveau de la mer : un proverbe néerlandais dit “Dieu a créé le monde, les Néerlandais ont crée les Pays-Bas.
• Je ne dois pas fréquenter les mêmes lieux car je ne vois jamais de travestis.
• Il n’y a pas de coffee-shops dans les quartiers que je fréquent.
• Je n’ai pas l’impression que les transports en commun soient plus chers qu’ailleurs, les transports en bateau ne sont certainement pas gratuits : il a certainement acheté un billet tram-bateau, ceci expliquant pourquoi il trouve les trams chers.
• Photos de vélo pour transporter les enfants :
• La 1ère chose que les gens font ici dès qu’ils ont un emploi c’est d’acheter leur logement car cela réduit les impôts donc je ne comprends pas dans quelle communauté il a évolué.
• Effectivement la famille royale et la politique en général ne sont pas un sujet de conversation : c’est une démocratie d’Europe du Nord avec un niveau de vie élevé -
Le seul cliché qui manque à ce billet c’est de dire que les Néerlandaises couchent avec tous les hommes avec lesquels elles échangent quelques mots. Si c’est comme cela qu’un Oriental “éduqué” voit les Pays-Bas, c’est extrêmement décevant et décourageant.

Tarek Chemaly said...

This post seems to have offended a lot of people, all I can say is this:
Give me ONE other city in the world where there is a street art performer wearing nothing but a glittering g-string and I will take it all back! Besides, again point me out to the nearest place on earth with homes for the elderly specifically for aging homosexual men (as in, separate from heterosexuals). And if you think this is over the top, try reading the book "THE UNDUTCHABLES" and you will find me mainstream.

nicolien said...

ONE other city? I have seen them in Sydney, NYC, and Las Vegas... and I'm pretty sure I haven't exhausted the possible places where one can find streetperformers in glittering G-strings.

Also, the only home for the elderly specifically for homosexuals is in BELGIUM, as far as I can find. I certainly don't know of any in Amsterdam, or the rest of the country for that matter.

And I have read 'The Undutchables', several times. I own a copy. I give the book to people who intend to live here. None of that is as offensive as this, because most of the extreme stuff that's in there is at least balanced by something true - which lacks in your post.

(And as for the 'free' boats: you probably mean the 3 ferries that connect the city center with the northern part of town. Those are free because there were no roads going there. It's like saying 'the streets are free in Amsterdam'. Of course they are.)

Can you tell me how long you have been in Amsterdam, and where exactly you have spent your time?

pierre said...

Tarek, you seem to fit perfectly into the stereotype of the Lebanese people...mabrouk. What year do you think it is, 1954? Let's hope in some decades Lebanon will also arrive in the presence.

Angie Nader said...

HAHA...this was hillarious!
you need to visit San Francisco. i live 30 minutes away..and sometimes when were bored...we go for the street entertainment