Monday, May 9, 2011

Requierm for a letter.

So I did go after all to the *aatar w *eit invite... At the pick up point, we were blind folded and then off to go to what eventually was a disused factory in Bourj Hammoud. I really liked the setting (the antique benches turned out to old scout camping benches provided by Raymond from the *w* team). The scenography was well studied but perhaps they used a propagandist technique on us by actually feeding us before the presentation (Goebbels would have been proud, it makes the brain more recpetive to ideas).
The whole operation turned out to be an "inside job" whereby top management of *w* got fed up with * and decided to rebrand. Nineteen84 were happy to oblige. Personally I loved the new output - the old logo being unsalvagable. The new image caters to people who have graduated from being young and funky and carefree and includes young families and mid-career aduts - which is the audience *w* should be graduating to.
It is interesting though that Nineteen84's Said Francis has to - at one point - put the audience (that's us) back to our place as most of us tried to meddle with the design, the strategy, the 20/20 vision, etc... and really insisted that the reasons we were there was to figure out the best way to let people know of the rebranding more than anything else.
By the way, did you notice that - until the whole mistery is revealed - Beirut/NTSC will not use the last letter of the alphabet? It's my way of contributing to this campaign I suppose.
Which reminds me of these timeless lines from Pulp fiction:
Fabienne (Maria de Medeiros): Whose motorcycle is this?
Butch (Bruce Willis): It's not a motorcycle, it's a chopper  baby.
F: Whose chopper is this?
B: It's *ed's.
F: Who's *ed?
BW: *ed is dead, baby, *ed is dead.

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